18 November 2005

Life without Katla

I am getting used to being alone in the apartment and I have stopped crying at everything that reminds me of her. I even vacuumed the doghairs on the floor yesterday :D something that I couldnt do before because they wouldnt come back. Funny how it's the little things that get to you. I was eating pizza in a restaurant on the day that Katla died with my friend Svava, and I started crying because I could never eat pizza with Katla again. Pizza was Katlas favorite food, by the way, :D It was the only food we would eat together and share. She would go absolutely bananas when I ordered pizza. She was great :D and still is over at the other side in dog heaven. I am lucky, I have had so much support through this which have helped me to accept my loss, or like someone said to me, "you are loosing your best friend for the last 10 years, give your self time". My friends understand how much Katla ment to me and understand and support me during this difficult time.

Elsku vinir, mamma, systkini. Þið eruð búin að vera mér svo góð og yndisleg í gegnum þetta allt. Þakka ykkur fyrir stuðninginn og skilninginn. Mér þykir vænt um ykkur.


Anonymous said...

vænt um þig líka .. þú stendur þig eins og hetja :)

Anonymous said...

Mér þykir vænt um þig uppáhalds Aldaliljan mín. Þú ert sterk og dugleg.
knús frá mömmu

Anonymous said...

þú ert best!!