29 November 2005

I'm baaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaack....

Oh well oh well, gotta love antibiotics :D Yup, they have saved me from the evil grip of Coughing once again. Normally I am not very happy to take them but with the grip getting tighter and tighter I would have done everything short of selling my soul to get rid of it. So now I am almost cough free :D So glad is my body to be rid of the cough that it shut down from sunday evening at 8 pm more or less until now. Yes I have slept the entire monday away. I gues I ran out of batteries, waking up just to go to the bathroom, eat a sandwich and look at the clock. And now I am game, ready for whatever the world has in store for me - namely to spend the next 3 weeks reading, studying and burying myself in books. And I am going to need all of those 3 weeks because I havent done much studying until now, with my 3 flues, Katla dying and all. This has been a difficult semester in that sense but I will try to salvage what is left of it. At least I will to my best to.... whatever comes of that, we will see. Well, onto my reading.....
Until next time, hugs and kisses

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