She was always there, loved me unconditionally, tolerated all my mood swings and kept me company.... well, as long as I fed her that is, he he he...
Everyone who met her, loved her. How could they not, she was so silly... with her big ears and ridiculous body build. She was very poorly built for a labrador. But I still think she was the cutest dog in the whole universe...

I used to pull her ears up like this and sing the theme from Batman but as Batdog... hahaha, she would get so annoyed, can you see the look on her face ? The eyes, hahaha...
Too bad that I don't have a picture of her "smile", but you, who knew her, know what I am talking about. The ears standing out, like they were ponytails hahaha...

I always gave her a christmas present, usually something very smelly, and she would walk around with it in her mouth extremely proud until she "unwrapped" it...
And of course she would get christmas food, something good, and she would eat with the rest of us (instead after dinner).
She never was very fond of running a lot, but she did like the snow... for a little bit. This picture was taken few days before her death. She seemed happy and for that I am glad. We didn't stay outside for long though, her highness got cold fast hahaha...

But she always did prefer staying in, snug under a rug or even better... my bed covers... hahaha, thats how we used to sleep by the way, she would sleep with her back to me and me with my arms around her.

Needless to say, there was a LOT of dog hairs all over the place and change of bedsheets quite frequently...

I miss her still but now it is a good kind of feeling. She was a big part of my life for 10 years and I don't regret having her, even though it broke my heart when she passed away. She gave me more than you guys will ever know.
My beautiful Katla, you are forever in my heart. May you rest in peace.
ohh já ég man hvað hún var alltaf góð og þið elskuðuð hvor aðra svo mikið. En nú er hún á góðum stað þar sem henni líður vel, megum ekki gleyma því :O) knús til þín frá mér! sjáumst á morgun.. fótaæfing múhahaha :Þ
þetta er yndislegur pistill :) Manni hlýnar um hjartarætur :) Þú átt minninguna um hana og það er það sem heldur henni hjá þér :) Gangi þér vel í dagsins önn og við heyrumst og sjáumst hressar á morgun :)
Anna Lóa
Katla Matla :)
Æðislegt að þú getur núna munað það góða og skemmtilega við hana eftir að sárasta sorgin er farin, og eftir standa bara ljúfar tilfinningar og ljúfsár söknuður.
Knús baby!
Já og æðislegar myndir að henni og ykkur!!
Æðislegar myndir af Kötlu og yndisleg "minningargrein".
Rakst inn á þessa síðu í gegnum komment á annarri síðu þar sem ég þóttist kannast við nafnið. Gaman að "hitta" þig aftur. Vona að þú hafir það gott.
Thank you so much for the lovely message you sent us. I am so sorry to hear about Katla - I can imagine what a huge hole she must have left in your life and in your heart. I hope one day soon you will be able to fill that space again with a new pair of paws and wet nose! I love that picture of you holding Katla's ears up...I do that to Honey too!
So pleased to hear that you're enjoying Honey's blog and thank you so much for taking the time to write and tell me- I really appreciate it.
best wishes,
Hsin-Yi & Honey the Great Dane
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