I hate January. Every year it is the same, gloom gloom gloom, just because of the darkness. Funny how one month (well, sometimes february too...) can have such a weird effect on me. Other parts of the year are much better, not being so dark !!!! Having nothing to do is not helping either, filling me with lethargy. I could be very active - the frickin' Christmas decoration is still up and driving me crazzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzy...
(ongoing bitching and whining for another few pages.....)
But as I have said before and I will say it again for as long as it takes,
and I am not going to let one month of darkness ruin that for me so from now on it is war on the gloomies....

hehe.. flott mynd :D
Right on!
Hér kemur ráð, kveiktu öll ljós í íbúðinni, blastaðu stuðtónlist og hentu þér í að henda jólakuskinu og taka til. Svo skaltu kveikja á fullt af kertum fara í heita sturtu og borða súkkulaði, vittu til þú hressist öll!
Já og til að halda góða skapinu, skaltu koma og massa það með mér í ræktinni enda er það GLEÐI GLEÐI!
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