12 December 2005

Just my luck.....

I crashed my car. My beloved Yaris is busted and my back, neck and head stiff as a board. But luckily neither the other driver or I were seriously injured. It's just annoying hazzle to deal with just before Christmas and when I should be studying. I had the rightaway, meaning that I don't have to pay for the damages, but it is an incredible hazzle nevertheless. Plus my body is protesting heavily about the way it was treated during the crash hahaha...

I am a genius in getting myself into trouble. This is getting hilarious, I am prepaying for all the tough luck of 2006 as well as dealing with this years bad luck, so next year should be GREAT !! well it better be, it can't be worse than 2005. Hopefully this is the final straw for a while, I am getting tired of this cloud of gloom over me.

With that said I am going to pop some painkillers, rub on some deep heat and tackle the examstudying with a smile, positive attitude and love for learning. Or just pop the pills, rub the damn thing on and read.......


Karen said...

Ömurleg óheppni sweety!!

Anonymous said...

sammála þér Karen.. ótrúleg óheppni hjá þér syss.. ég get nú samt ekki látið vera að grínast smá í þér þar sem þú sagðir í pistlinum á undan að þú gætir varla keyrt beint vegna jólaljósa..hahaha.. og svo lendurður í árekstri..haha.. er eitthvað samhengi þarna á milli..lol :).. æi sorry.. en maður verður jú að gera gott úr hlutunum, er það ekki??
hafðu það samt sem allra best og gangi þér vel að læra.
kær kveðja og þakkir fyrir góðar heillaóskir fyrir prófið í morgun :)

Alda Lilja said...

hahahahah... jólaljós og árekstur ... hmmmmm.. samt ekki mikið um jólaljós á gatnamótum Njarðargötu og Hringbrautar...

Anonymous said...

hehe...satt segirðu.. æi mátti reyna..hehe :)