Oh well oh well, gotta love antibiotics :D Yup, they have saved me from the evil grip of Coughing once again. Normally I am not very happy to take them but with the grip getting tighter and tighter I would have done everything short of selling my soul to get rid of it. So now I am almost cough free :D So glad is my body to be rid of the cough that it shut down from sunday evening at 8 pm more or less until now. Yes I have slept the entire monday away. I gues I ran out of batteries, waking up just to go to the bathroom, eat a sandwich and look at the clock. And now I am game, ready for whatever the world has in store for me - namely to spend the next 3 weeks reading, studying and burying myself in books. And I am going to need all of those 3 weeks because I havent done much studying until now, with my 3 flues, Katla dying and all. This has been a difficult semester in that sense but I will try to salvage what is left of it. At least I will to my best to.... whatever comes of that, we will see. Well, onto my reading..... Until next time, hugs and kisses
Helduru að ég sé ekki komin með ENN EINA flensuna, sú þriðja þetta haustið. Búin að vera hóstandi eins og vitleysingur núna í viku og doksi segir að ég verði bara að þrauka, það sé ekkert sem hægt sé að gera við veirusýkingum sem þessum. Ég er sko alveg búin að taka út minn skammt af veikindum í bili. Og ég hef ekki einu sinni Kötlu til að halda mér selskap :(
Við erum að tala um svo mikinn hósta að ég hef tvisvar kastað upp vegna hans og sprengt háræðar í andlitinu niður á háls í kjölfarið. Leit út eins og brúður Frankensteins, svaka sæt. Ég hætti mér ekki út fyrir dyr því fólk hljóp skelfingu lostið úr vegi fyrir mér öskrandi NEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII..... Til að bæta gráu ofan á svart fékk ég karlkynsheimsókn rétt á eftir eitt kastið, einstaklega góð tímasetning það. Ég get verið svo iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiinnilega heppin. En þetta er allt að koma, hitinn er að fara og ég hætt að hósta mig til uppkasta. Ætla að halda mig inni við í einn dag í viðbót, ég NENNI EKKI að vera veik lengur en ég þarf, an"$%$&" hafi það !!!
Hugsa ennþá mikið um Kötlu mína en ég er öll að koma til. Ætla mér engann veginn að fá mér annað gæludýr samt nema kannski fiska???? Vandamál að koma þeim fyrir í "stóru" íbúðinni minni, það er málið. Mér finnst ég stundum heyra í henni, tipla hérna eða koma sér fyrir í sófanum en það er líklega bara wishful thinking. Ef hún er hérna til að passa mig þá virðist hún vera sátt því ekki finn ég fyrir neinu neikvæðu. Og hún var sko alveg sérfræðingur að láta mig vita þegar hún var fúl út í mig. Ég velktist aldrei í vafa um það ;D
Jæja þetta er það helsta sem ég hef að segja í dag. óver end át
I am getting used to being alone in the apartment and I have stopped crying at everything that reminds me of her. I even vacuumed the doghairs on the floor yesterday :D something that I couldnt do before because they wouldnt come back. Funny how it's the little things that get to you. I was eating pizza in a restaurant on the day that Katla died with my friend Svava, and I started crying because I could never eat pizza with Katla again. Pizza was Katlas favorite food, by the way, :D It was the only food we would eat together and share. She would go absolutely bananas when I ordered pizza. She was great :D and still is over at the other side in dog heaven. I am lucky, I have had so much support through this which have helped me to accept my loss, or like someone said to me, "you are loosing your best friend for the last 10 years, give your self time". My friends understand how much Katla ment to me and understand and support me during this difficult time. Elsku vinir, mamma, systkini. Þið eruð búin að vera mér svo góð og yndisleg í gegnum þetta allt. Þakka ykkur fyrir stuðninginn og skilninginn. Mér þykir vænt um ykkur.
Katla died this morning. I was with her to the end, hugging her, telling her that I loved her and that now she was free. Amazing how deeply you bond with you pet, I feel like I just lost a child. But she will always be in my heart. I took a lot of pictures of her and I am going to post one here later.
I thought I'd keep you english speaking friends of mine up to speed.
These last few days have been very difficult. I have to put my dog, Katla, to sleep. She is getting old and I am not allowed to have her here where I live in student housing. Someone complained so I don't have a choice but to. It breaks my heart but it would be selfish of me to keep her somewhere else just so I can see her for a few days for christmas. The doc has already told me I had to prepare myself that it might come to this sooner then later. It is better for her to go when she is loving life than going in much pain. It has been very difficult for me to accept this but I have to. I was going to do it this week but my mom, the one who gave Katla to me, asked me to wait so she could come from the northern part of Iceland and say goodbye to her too. I think it is better for me to. Now I am trying to enjoy having her with me while I can.
She will live in my heart forever and I love her so. She will be going to dogheaven :D the best dog in the entire universe.